Fast Indexing with Our Search Engine Submission Sites List
In the contemporary world, search engines are the major source of organic traffic on the internet with Google being the most famous search engine. In order to support you and other marketing professionals, we are presenting Search Engine Submission Sites List, where you can submit the URL of their blogs. The ultimate goal of any SEO professional is to boost website traffic and building backlink, and by submitting at search engine you can get the expected output.
An Overview on Search Engine Submission
Search engine submission is basically a process to submit the URL of your blog to search engine for crawling and indexing. Crawling is the process by which search engine software find information that is available publicly, where indexing is the process by which search engine organizes the information. However, it is a fact that most of the blog owners submit their blogs in Google for indexing purpose, but it is better to submit your content to other search engines as well to boost traffic and get some quality backlinks.
Submitting your content to the search engine submission sites list make sure that it can be crawled and indexed appropriately and quickly. There are many search engines that charge
Advantages of Search Engine Submission
- It boost traffic on your website in short period
- Search engine submission is one of the effective methods to take your site on higher ranks
- The best part is that you can do this activity without making any investment
- You will be able to build quality back link
Here, we are providing the free and highest-rated Search Engine Submission Sites List. Make your website crawling and indexing at the rapid pace by submitting your website to the following search engine sites.
Sr. No | Search Engine Name | Search Engine Submission Link | Alexa Rank |
1 | https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/submit-url | 1 | |
2 | Bing | http://www.bing.com/toolbox/submit-site-url | 42 |
3 | Yandex | http://webmaster.yandex.com/addurl.xml | 914 |
4 | Add URL Amfibi | http://addurl.amfibi.com/ | 235,385 |
5 | Beamed | http://beamed.com/search/index.php?p=2 | 366,846 |
6 | Master Moz | http://mastermoz.com/register.php | 199,921 |
7 | One Mission | http://onemission.com/ | 635,413 |
8 | Pegasus Directory | http://www.pegasusdirectory.com/ | 257,086 |
9 | 1abc | http://www.1abc.org/submit.php | 274,095 |
10 | Infotiger | http://www.infotiger.com/addurl.html | 233,624 |
11 | Add URL Altavista | http://addurl.altavista.com/ | 505,409 |
12 | ActiveSearch Results | http://www.activesearchresults.com/addwebsite.php | 112,108 |
13 | Exactseek | http://www.exactseek.com/add.html | 148,137 |
14 | Gigablast | http://www.gigablast.com/addurl | 145,525 |
15 | Entireweb | http://www.entireweb.com/free_submission/ | 68,051 |
16 | Polypat | http://polypat.org/submit.php | 1,342,082 |
17 | Referencement | http://referencement.ke.voila.fr/ | 583,980 |
18 | Searchsight | http://searchsight.com/submit.htm | 384,853 |
19 | 1webs Directory | http://www.1websdirectory.com/ | 294,101 |
20 | Directoryfire | http://www.directoryfire.com/submit.php | 261,593 |
21 | Direcotory Free | http://www.directory-free.com/submit/submit.php | 470,513 |
22 | Dmoz | http://www.dmoz.org/add.html | 115,362 |
23 | Elitesites Direcotory | http://www.elitesitesdirectory.com/ | 188,583 |
24 | Hotvsnot | http://www.hotvsnot.com/Add-Site/Add-Site.aspx | 225,743 |
25 | Search Sonicrun | http://search.sonicrun.com/freelisting | 180,770 |
26 | Somuch | http://www.somuch.com/submit-links/ | 158,198 |
27 | Viesearch | http://viesearch.com/submit | 208,873 |
28 | Linkcentre | http://linkcentre.com/ | 210,959 |
29 | Exalead | http://www.exalead.com/search/web/submit/ | 122,735 |
30 | Feedplex | http://www.feedplex.com/add-url.php | 1,263,851 |
31 | Freeprwebdirectory | http://www.freeprwebdirectory.com/submit.php | 291,729 |
32 | Fybersearch | http://www.fybersearch.com/add-url.php | 766,659 |
33 | Blackabsolute | http://www.blackabsolute.com/submit.php | 1,127,888 |
34 | Boitho | http://www.boitho.com/addyourlink.htm.en | 556,798 |
35 | Claymont | http://www.claymont.com/asublegacy.asp | 1,082,868 |
36 | 247webdirectory | http://www.247webdirectory.com/submit.aspx | 262,793 |
37 | 9sites | http://www.9sites.net/addurl.php | 242,730 |
38 | A1 web directory | http://www.a1webdirectory.org/submit.php | 206,813 |
39 | Official | http://www.official.my/addurl.php | 251,937 |
40 | Onemilliondirectory | http://www.onemilliondirectory.com/submit.php | 154,465 |
41 | Scrubtheweb | http://www.scrubtheweb.com/addurl.html | 240,965 |
42 | Amfibi | http://www.amfibi.com/addurl/ | 237,255 |
43 | Anoox | http://www.anoox.com/add_for_indexing_free.php | 148,150 |
44 | Onlinesociety | http://www.onlinesociety.org/submit.php | 275,518 |
45 | Piseries | http://www.piseries.com/ | 200,595 |